
Bishop Oyejola to the PMS Diocesan Directors.

The Pontifical Mission Societies (Missio Nigeria) Diocesan Directors meet for their annual National Council meeting with the theme:

"Go and invite everyone to the Banquet "(Mt 22:9) which is also the theme for the 2024 World Mission Sunday.

The opening mass commenced at 7:00 am on 17th April 2024 at St. Gabriel Chaplaincy, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Durumi, Abuja which gathered about 50 Diocesan Directors and was presided over by the PMS Episcopal Chairman Most Rev. John Oyejola, the Catholic Bishop of Osogbo Diocese.

In his homily, the Bishop emphasized the need to be courageous missionaries and be practical in preaching the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. He also admonished the Diocesan Directors to be convinced of the good news they preach not like hired labourers but as missionaries who understand the dynamics of Mission works. He further charged the directors to use different means to invite people to the faith.

Immediately after the mass, there was an Opening. It began with the enthronement of the Bible, presided over by the PMS Diocesan Director of Nsukka Diocese, Rev Fr. Kelechi Justus Idike after which the PMS National Director, Very Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku welcomed all present and called on all the directors to participate actively in the meeting. They reminded the directors that the national council meeting is an opportunity for them to meet one another, plan activities of the year, give reports of past activities and share experiences.

The National Secretary of Synods, Congresses/Pilgrimages of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Djebah, presented a paper on the theme of the meeting: "Go and Invite everyone to the Banquet"  he spoke extensively on the need to invite everyone to the banquet of God's love and listen with empathy advocate for justice and live our the faith in intentional and meaningful ways. He called on the directors to embrace diversity as they preach the Gospel and give special attention to the poor and underprivileged.

The meeting will end on Friday with orientation for the New PMS Diocesan Directors. The orientation will help the new directors to understand the Pontifical Mission Societies and their responsibilities as Diocesan Directors.


